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The Orphanage of Juan King

From: rev.wally
To: paulmaga
Date: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 at 20:11
Subject: Our telephone conversation

Paul, my dear child,

I very much enjoyed our telephone conversation. I was surprised to get your call
relating to these funds especially after Mr Leonard Kujo hasn’t contacted me for
almost a month.

Mrs Donkeykong and I have been worrying about Leonard. Please tell us how he is now.
Is his health any better?

You know he is an alcoholic and left me stranded with $15,000 cash in my pocket and
an unused ticket to Ghana?

Please tell Leonard to email me. We really would like him to come to visit us here in
East Weestain to recuperate and take shelter in the wings of our Master. But more
importantly we need to hear from him that he is OK.

With regard to our conversation please can you once more outline the process as it
stands now? I think I am confused after our conversation.

Your call came at the right time. We were just planning to sell Mrs Donkeykong’s
car. It is a rather nice Porsche Boxster S in British Racing Green with the Tiptronic
S gearbox. We bought it last month, thinking we were soon to get a share in
Leonard’s funds.

I am sorry I get very confused on the phone, which is why I prefer email. When is it
you need me in South Africa? Please remind me what airport?

I am looking forward to a visit again to South Africa. It is many years since I have
had the opportunity to see my teacher Bishop Juan King. He runs one of our order’s
orphanages and is a true servant of the Lord. Do you know the "The Orphanage of Juan
King"? They do magnificent work.

I look forward to your email reply with the details. I will book my flight just as
soon as I hear from you.

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